I have had one Saturday staple for the past five years, and that is the Apricot-Honey loaf from Boulangerie La Vendéenne. Every Saturday we religiously line up at this stall (always a crazy long line!) and wait to purchase our loaf. It is chewy, sweet and studded with apricots and nothing makes a better snack than slathering it with some butter and a dusting of fleur de sel. My lil' Zoe has been known to beg for this bread; putting her chubby little hands into the brown paper bag and tearing off a piece even before we make it out of the line. For two days we are a happy household; using it for toast, sandwiches and finally turning it into crostini. We do not waste a single inch of it! La Vendéenne not only make this amazing bread, but their sourdough, fougasse and brioche are also out of this world! If you have been hesitant in the past to brave the line up at this stall on Saturday morning, I beg of you to take the time, grab a loaf, and enjoy a little bit of heaven!