I once had a co-worker at Les Fougères, who had a four year old boy. He told me a story one day about his son that made me laugh. After hearing this story I hoped that if I ever had kids, mine would do the same. He explained that his family had been invited over to a friend's place for dinner and that when the main course of pasta came out, his son took one bite, pushed his plate away, turned to the host and said "Your pasta lacks seasoning. I refuse to eat this until the proper amount of salt and pepper is added." I laughed so hard, and poor Mario was embarrassed by this event, but nonetheless, he was proud that his boy was a "gourmand".
Along came a "petite gourmande" of my own. My daughter Zoé is all of 19 months, and has been eating solid food for more than a year. Her first foray was like every other baby; bananas, pears, prunes and sweet potatoes, but now and then I'd throw her a curve ball to see how should would react. An asparagus and fiddlehead soup was her first favorite, followed closely by pasta with Taleggio cheese, sundried tomatoes and basil. Yay, my babe was developing a palate more discerning than some adults!
Of course, this wasn't always true. I have seen a bowl flung against my pale yellow walls after some hard core head shaking. To this day she refuses to eat mango, yet plonk and avocado on her plate and it's gone within seconds. Cheese is already a major force in her young life; Taleggio is a winner, as is Manchego and Chèvre. I once gave her a dreaded processed cheese slice only to find it stuck suspiciously under her high chair. A few days ago, Zoé decided that the foie gras mousse, that Doug brought back from La Ferme Basque in Quebec, was best served with a sippy cup of local apple cider, and that Serrano ham worked wonders with some steamed asparagus and a side of pears. Saturday mornings are sacred for my family and a definite favourite for Zoé. This is when we make our weekly trip to the Halifax Farmers' Market. Zoé always opts for a croissant from La Vendéenne and a scoop of gelato from Fox Hill Cheese House. Believe me, this kid knows what she wants!
I had always hoped that my child would to try different things, and give "peas" a chance. Now I can only hope that her brand new baby brother, Philippe, chooses the same path!