Are there mornings where you find yourself on auto pilot? Wake up, roam around like a zombie, caffinate, and attempt to begin the day. Wait, did I miss something? Probably like most of you, I did. Breakfast.
If you are like me, this is a meal that I have skipped for ages. Just because I cook for a living, it does not mean that I eat properly. Sure, some of us consider that cup of Joe our breakfast, but that is by no means considered a meal.
I am not promoting skipping this most important meal of the day, and yes it is the most important. I take the time the make sure both of my kids eat a healthy breakfast, but as I sit there, beside them and encourage them to eat it all up, I am still skipping my morning nosh. So, what can I do to change my unhealthy behavior?
Maybe I need an incentive. Some food item that excites me and makes me want to take the time to nourish my poor sleep deprived body, and make sure that I fill it up with the fuel that is needed to make me function properly throughout my day.
The list of possibilities are endless; eggs, toast and smoothies. In a perfect world, my man servant would serve me up a European style breakfast of cured meats and cheese, but alas, my winning lottery ticket has yet to be bought.
My husband leaves the house every morning with a jar of milk, a piece of fruit and his incentive, my homemade granola. Yes, this fruit and nut mixture is what makes him run like a fine tuned sports car, and purr all day long.
Ah the granola. Making your own granola sounds like a lot of work but it isn't. Think of it as a fun project to make at night instead of watching the boob tube, or a rainy day activity with the kids. I switch mine up by adding whatever dried fruit and nuts I have on hand at the time. You can add honey, molasses or maple syrup to the mix, and if you want to be sassy, add some dried, crystallized ginger.
Want to turn it into a snack your kids will ask for? Throw in some chocolate chips and dried banana at the end once it is all cooled down. Granola in a fancy pants jar also makes a perfect gift for a hostess or birthday gal.
Try whipping up a batch of granola and make it your own. This mix goes great with yogurt, and I even sprinkle it on ice cream. Soak it in milk and plain yogurt for an hour an it turns into the ultimate muesli too.
- 450ml (5C) old fashioned rolled oats
- 375ml (3C) chopped almonds (or any nut that you prefer)
- 125ml (1C) sunflower seeds
- 125ml (1C) pumpkin seeds
- 125ml (1C) unsweetened shredded coconut
- 30ml (2tbsp) ground flax seeds
Mix all ingredients and add:
- 250ml (1C) honey
- 250ml (1C) maple syrup
- 150ml (1/2C) canola oil (or walnut oil works too)
Mix together and put on parchment lined baking sheets in thin layers and bake at 150c (300F) for about 45 minutes; making sure to stir every ten minutes.
Cook until golden brown, cool, and then add:
- 125g (1C) raisins
- 125g (1C) dried blueberries
- 125g (1C) dried cranberries
Store in a sealed jar. Keeps for about a month.